Linking to our Term Two topic based on Forces of Nature, Room 3 took a trip to the National Aquarium of New Zealand in Napier to explore and learn about earthquakes, tsunami and
volcanic eruptions. Hands-on and engaging activities set a solid
framework for their learning. Students used bottles filled with
liquids to simulate tsunami; they mixed various ingredients to
create their own volcano; and build examples of strong and weak
houses to see which is strongest in an earthquake. What fun! We were then able to explore the aquarium on our own.
We headed to the Marine Parade playground where we enjoyed an extended play on the challenging equipment. Aren't we lucky to be able to extend our Play-based Learning to venues outside school. It was such a pleasant day, with well-behaved children Haumoana School is so proud of!
Many thanks to all the parents for your transport and supervision on this day.