back to Term 2 in Room 3. I hope you and
your children have had enjoyable holidays and are eager to start a new term of
learning. Term 1 flew by and here we are
in the middle of autumn! We have our
routines and expectations all set up and we are set to take off to a new level
of learning and playing.
buddy class (Room 5) activities were enjoyed by most children and we will again
be working together on some technology and science activities, as well as our buddy
reading on a Friday.
Brain Food
– Continue to provide several healthy snacks for eating first thing in the
morning and throughout the day when children feel the need. Water bottles should be at school each day
too to ensure the brain functions well.
Habits of Mind foci this term
are Responding with
Wonderment and Awe and Questioning and Posing Problems. We are focussing on articulating our thinking
more clearly to learning buddies. As a
follow up at home you could expect your child to justify their thinking by
using the word ‘because’ and to add detail to their discussions with you. This is a good habit to develop and will
ensure our learning accelerates. For
some people this feels a little uncomfortable, but our best learning is done if
there is a challenge that is overcome. The
Competencies are an important part of the curriculum and this term we
will add “Participating and Communicating”
to “Relating to Others”.

Integrated programmes:
This term we have two main topics - ‘Forces of Nature’ and ‘Matariki’. These foci will integrate all Curriculum areas
- Reading, Writing, Maths, Art etc. Our aim is to explore values such as Respect
and Excellence (To do and be our best in all that we do.) The science
topic will be decided upon with the children and could be volcanoes, air forces
or water related topics. Much of this
learning will be through play related resources. Matariki
will be the focus in the second part of the term. Room 3 are responsible for the Harvest Table
and this will begin in Week 5 or 6. We
are hoping to have a hangi again but
this is dependent on funds being raised.
I have a selected group of children who will be planning and organising
a fundraiser for this purpose. Watch for updates about this….we may require
your assistance. Weaving will be taught and we will work with our buddy class. The term will end with our famous musical
production – always worth waiting for.
Play-based Learning
– This new concept complements the strong literacy and numeracy programmes that
are already in place. We try to play
each day and this term will extend to learning handcrafts that we can undertake
independently once some basic skills are mastered. We have a new sewing machine to explore and
knitting will be on the agenda too!
Hopefully we get some good weather and we can play outside each
day. Irene (Yannick’s Mum) is keen to
help us create a mosaic wall so we will be very busy‼
Learning Stories
in the children’s portfolios will also update you on their learning in this
will be required so please keep an eagle eye out for anything that we may be
able to use.
* Natural resources (e.g. seed pods, pine
cones, drift wood etc) will be used for creating;
* Fabric lengths or remnants, wool, threads etc
will be valuable for handcrafts;
* Old crockery can be used for our mosaic wall;
* Plastic bottle tops for our upcycled wall
* Remnants from old bottles of vinegar,
shampoo, spices, sauces etc for our potions table to be set up
Notebook -
Please encourage your child to bring along items of interest to glue in
e.g. photos of pets, holidays, special events; newspaper articles of personal
interest; tickets for rides, movies etc.
Even interesting words or phrases that you come across or that tickle
your fancy which could be used in their writing can be included.
the homework sheet should not require more than 20 minutes each night, tasks
still need to be completed and books returned to school each day. I have had to chase up some children
Spelling - Please encourage your child
to learn words before being tested.
Refer to the chart in their books.
Using colour to practice with is a very good way to aid memory.
Reading Logs - Please remember to help
your child record the date, title and a comment about the content of
reading. This could be related to what
your child already knows about the topic, what he/she has learnt, what
surprised, frightened, worried or made him/her laugh. It is important to talk about the book
before, during and after reading. If
your child is tired, share the reading.
Discuss their/your experiences around the topic.
Knowledge must be learnt each day.