1. We have our much awaited trip to Napier for an Art Deco tour on Tuesday. Please check your child's bag for a note regarding the final details for this. Wear Art Deco clothes as you did last Friday. Children looked stunning and so authentic! Thank you for your efforts.
2. On Thursday it is our turn to deliver Assembly. Two children wil be chosen for this and we will be presenting some of our work. Come at 9am if you can.
3. The school picnic is on Friday. Details to come soon.
This week we plan to complete our Pepeha, continue researching Art Deco and the HB Earthquake, complete our Statistical Investigation (Data collection, Graphing and Analysis of a topic about room 3 children), begin our Writer's Notebooks and of course PLAY!
There seems to be some confusion about whether Room 3 will take part in the Senior School Triathlon or the Junior School Aquathlon. We are participating in the Aquathlon only. There will be a note about this soon. It would pay to check Room 3s blog regularly and look on the right-hand column of upcoming dates. If it is not on there it would be safe to assume it is not our event.
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