Sunday, 23 July 2017

Term 3

  Haumoana School – Room 3 Newsletter, Term 3
                                                    24 July 2017
Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to Term 3 in Room 3.  I hope you and your children have had enjoyable holidays and are over all the illnesses we were experiencing before the holidays.  Term 2 was so busy with Matariki and our School Production!  This Term the children will be deciding on what they will learn through their new research skills and based on their play. 

Brain Food – Continue to provide several healthy snacks for eating first thing in the morning and throughout the day when children feel the need.  Named water bottles should be at school each day too to ensure the brain functions well.

Our Habits of Mind foci this term are Thinking Flexibly and Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision.  We will continue focussing on articulating our thinking more clearly to learning buddies.  As a follow up at home you could expect your child to justify their thinking by using the word ‘because’ and to add detail to their discussions with you.  This is a good habit to develop and will ensure our learning accelerates.  For some people this feels a little uncomfortable, but our best learning is done if there is a challenge that is overcome.  The Key Competencies are an important part of the curriculum and this term we will focus on  “Using Language, Symbols & Text” and  “Thinking”. 

Integrated programmesLast term we brainstormed topics the children would like to learn about.  Many expressed an interest in MAGIC so we will begin with children exploring an area of Magic that interests them.  The main focus of all learning will be research skills but will integrate all Curriculum areas – including Art, Drama and play etc. Our aim is to explore values such as Respect and Integrity.  

Play-based Learning – This concept complements the strong literacy and numeracy programmes that are already in place.  We will try to play and work outside (weather dependent) for either a half day or whole day each week.  We have several knitters amongst us and more children will add to the pool this term!  Irene (Yannick’s Mum) has made a very good start to the mosaic wall along with Cat (Theo’s Mum) and the children.  It is looking fantastic.  This will continue each Tuesday afternoon.  The Potions table is set up now and children will no doubt be looking for more ingredients to use in their potions. 

Learning Stories in the children’s portfolios will also update you on their learning in this area. 

Resources will be required so please keep an eagle eye out for anything that we may be able to use. 
*  Natural resources (e.g. seed pods, pine cones, drift wood etc) will be used for creating;
*  Remnants from old bottles of vinegar, shampoo, spices, sauces etc for our potions table

Writer’s Notebook -  Please encourage your child to bring along items of interest to glue in e.g. photos of pets, holidays, special events; newspaper articles of personal interest; tickets for rides, movies etc. 

Even interesting words or phrases that you come across or that tickle your fancy which could be used in their writing can be included. 

Although homework should not require more than 20 minutes each night, tasks still need to be completed and books returned to school each day

   Spelling - Please encourage your child to learn words before being tested.  Refer to the chart in their books.  Using colour to practice with is a very good way to aid memory. 
   Reading Logs - Please remember to help your child record the date, title and a comment about the content of reading.  This could be related to what your child already knows about the topic, what he/she has learnt, what surprised, frightened, worried or made him/her laugh.  It is important to talk about the book before, during and after reading.  If your child is tired, share the reading.  Discuss their/your experiences around the topic.
   Number Knowledge must be learnt each day.  It is a good idea to sign up to e-ako maths and this is a more motivational way to learn their number knowledge.  Thank you to those people who have offered to help out with testing this term. 

Finally, if there is anything you are unsure of or that is worrying you, or you have something to celebrate please do not hesitate to email, call in, text or phone to make an appointment to discuss these matters. Please use the homework book as a communication book.  It saves losing notes.  

Sue Jensen

Teacher – Year 3.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Music Production - Whatever the Weather

We are so proud of our backdrop for the Show!  We made the "View through the window" with collage materials and we made the calico curtains.

This involved the use of lots of our maths skills.  Firstly we needed to measure the areas to decorate.  So we used a metre ruler to measure the width of the hall and the board for the window, the height of the curtains and window etc.

Then we needed to measure the calico and cut the right lengths.


Next was the sewing!


We also worked hard on the window.  Firstly the background was painted, then pictures of beautiful plants, birds and garden creatures were found in magazines.  The fence was painted and some children gathered foliage from the garden to finish it off!  Then Keith helped us to hang it up.  Thanks Keith!

Doesn't it look great?!!!

Of course we also had to practice our routine a LOT during the term.  Our item was rather difficult as we were creating music with our body and performing the item in 3 parts.  We sang, tapped, stomped and jumped in the puddles..... it was AWESOME!  

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Week 10

Hi everyone

We had a wonderful hangi on Friday and the children were pleased to be making use of their woven baskets to eat their kai from. 

This is another busy week.  Monday – Wednesday will be focussed on our Musical Production (practices, Matinee performances and an evening show).  Please ensure your child has their blue/grey clothing and gumboots at school each day.  These will come home Wednesday after school to change into prior to returning for the evening show. 

Be prepared for our wonderful window creation to be revealed!  We have integrated many skills learnt this term....mosaics, measuring, sewing  :-) See you there!  Here's a sneak peek....

On Thursday we will travel by bus to the Star Compass at Waitangi Park.  Please ensure all permission slips are returned and money paid.  We will be back by morning tea time.

Some parents have been asking for ideas to practice Number Knowledge.  This is just one aspect of our maths programme and the blog shows what is taken into account when making judgements about whether your child has met the National Standards required after 3 years at school.  Please take the time to look at the Maths tab at the top of the blog, check the links and sign up for e-ako maths.  This is a fun way to explore number ideas and learn the basics required for solving more challenging problems.

There are some photos and videos of our learning this term.  We have been so busy that I am still working on posting everything, so keep checking in.  It will be up to date by the end of the week!

This week children’s homework is focussed on maths.  Please check the blog, explore maths sites given, and work on the Number Knowledge books.  Have an awesome final week of term and enjoy the holidays.

Maths Practice

Maths is an important aspect of our learning at school in order to solve many real life problems.

Image result for children questionImage result for solving real life maths problems
On the Maths tab at the top of the blog you will find posters explaining what you will need to be learning as a Year 3 person, and links to a wealth of resources for practicing in fun ways.

Please take the time to explore.  Sign up to e-ako maths and see what you can learn over the holidays.

Also try Maths Buddy for free and let me know what you think.